Notice of Filing Period to Register for Board Position
September 27, 2023
Any qualifying member of the District who desires to serve on the Board of Directors must file at the District Office his/her intent to run for a position on the Board of Directors. This may be done by completing a Registration Form during the filing period from October 1st through October 31st, for the election to be held at the following Annual Meeting of participating members. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for February 14th, 2024.
Each candidate filing for a position must indicate on the Registration Form for which position vacancy he/she is filing. Also any incumbent Board member wishing to run for re-election must also complete a Registration Form during the filing period previously stated, and meet the same qualifications as a new candidate. There are two positions to be filled at the next election: Seat #1 Larry Bayouth : #2 Roy Kirby. Each position is for a three (3) year term, and regularly scheduled meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm. Any newly elected Board Member shall be required to attend a minumum of six (6) hours approved training and shall pledge to attend such training at time of registration as a candidate. This training attendance shall be completed prior to director's first anniversary on the Board. Please direct any questions or requests for additional material to Cindy Hubbell, 918 299-4448. We appreciate your interest and willingness to serve. The time commitment is minimal, but important to the continued success of the District.